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Akashic Records with Amber Baker
After a near death experience (NDE), Amber experienced an awakening, rebirth, and resurrection. Having communicated with spirit and angels her whole life, Amber fully stepped...
Astrology with Berit Freutel
For Berit, Astrology is art. She believes it is a creative, magical dance between the astrologer and the client. A bit rebellious, playful, colorful, outside...
Pilates with Paoloma Saboya
Pilates is life!It gives you strength, stretch and control of your body and mind while working your posture in a lifted, beautiful and powerful way.It’s...
Holistic Medicine with Dr. Christara Avaness
Dr. Christara Avaness takes an Integrative Lifestyle approach in her LA-based practice. By recognizing each person’s unique bioenergetic matrix, she customizes protocol integrating multiple modalities...
Dance Inspiration with Shauna Walker
This spiritual technique using tarot cards to relay information to the card reader has been used over the past 300 years. It’s a fun and...
Tarot with Julie Vaden
This spiritual technique using tarot cards to relay information to the card reader has been used over the past 300 years. It’s a fun and...
Meditation with Mona Therese Winston
This is a daily inspiration for your Meditation practice. You can be a beginner, intermediate or export – find your own way into this 10...
Yoga with Mona Therese Winston
This is a daily inspiration for your Yoga practice. You can be a beginner, intermediate or export – find your own way into this 50...